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  • šŸ§‘ā€šŸ’» Ultimate productivity framework

šŸ§‘ā€šŸ’» Ultimate productivity framework

PLUS Elon Musk calls remote work ā€œmorally wrongā€ and we share even more WFA jobs

Hey Insider, hope you had an amazing week! Any fun plans for the weekend? Respond to this email and let me know, I love hearing about all the awesome things you guys have going on šŸ˜Š

Todayā€™s email is a 4min 55sec read:

  • šŸ’» Elon Musk calls remote work ā€œmorally wrongā€

  • šŸ’µ Deutsche bank cutting 40% of office space

  • šŸØ Problems brewing at Selina?

  • ā­ļø AND an expanded WFA Jobs section

But first, the pro-office mafia has long said that remote work makes employees unproductive. Basically every study has proven that to be BS, but that doesnā€™t mean there isnā€™t room for improvementā€¦


The Ultimate Productivity Framework

Since I started working remotely in 2016, Iā€™ve experimented with dozens of different frameworks to try and improve my productivity. But no matter what I tried, it never quite felt ā€œcompleteā€ā€¦

Until now!

I think Iā€™ve found a truly top-notch productivity system, and best of all it comprises of only 3 steps & 3 tools:

1. Capture - Todoist

Todoist is my favorite task management app because itā€™s super simple, but also really powerful.

I use projects to break up tasks according to clients or business, but the most important feature of Todoist for me is the Inbox where I can quickly jot down any idea or task that I need to do.

To make the capture process even faster I keep a widget on the top of my phone that allows me to add something to my Inbox with one click.

2. Block - Google Calendar

This is where the rubber meets the road.

People love to create to-do lists, but most of the time they donā€™t plan when they will do those tasks. This one easy question can easily double your productivityā€¦ ā€œWhen are you going to do it?ā€

This is called Time Blocking, the act of creating space on your calendar for tasks on your to-do list and I just use Google Calendar for this. Iā€™ve created a new calendar called ā€œfocusā€ with a bright blue/green color which I use only for time blocking.

This allows me to be realistic about the amount of focus time I will have based on how much I already have planned for the day.

3. Analyze - Rize.io

This is the step that was always missing for me in the past!

Time blocking is great, but youā€™ll find that you wonā€™t always stick to the block you create. Sometimes youā€™ll run over, you may start later and finish later, or an emergency will happen and youā€™ll miss a block entirely.

Tracking this with a web timer like Toggl is like a part-time job, Rize on the other hand automatically does this for you.

Itā€™s an activity tracker that is constantly running in the background recording whether youā€™re working, on a call, or taking a break.

Sure, you blocked out 4 hours of focus time, but were you actually able to achieve that? If not, why not? Rize allows you to analyze how accurate your plan actually is and helps you identify places where you can improve your plan going forward.

This three-step framework has been a game changer for me and I think it will be for you as well!


Unconventional Minds Wanted!

Break free and join the ultimate adult summer camp for digital nomads, entrepreneurs, and adventure-seekers! Whether youā€™re just starting out or have been on this path for years, youā€™ll advance toward the lifestyle you want to lead (while having a blast at summer camp).

Most conferences charge high ticket prices and make you pay for your hotel, food, and entertainment.

At Camp Indie your accommodations, food, workshops, and entertainment are all included!

All you need to do is show up, relax, and have a blast enjoying an unforgettable weekend of growth, learning, and connection.

Join us June 16-19, 2023 in Connecticutā€™s Berkshire Mountains, less than 2 hours from New York City!


Best part of the whole meeting am I right?


šŸ’» Elon Musk calls remote work ā€œmorally wrongā€ and tells remote workers to ā€œget off their high horseā€

  • In a recent wide-ranging interview with CNBC Elon Musk attacked remote work saying that you shouldnā€™t be able to work remotely when others canā€™t do the same

  • ā€œYouā€™re gonna work from home and youā€™re gonna make everyone else who made your car come work in the factory?ā€œ he told the interviewer

  • Musk has been an outspoken critic of remote work, but this is clearly faulty logic because the differences between desk workers (those who can work remotely) and deskless workers (those who canā€™t) extend far beyond remote work - pay, training, benefits, perks, etc

  • Forcing remote workers back to the office doesnā€™t solve any of these problems for deskless workers.

  • Instead, we need to invest in creating ways for both groups to gain more flexibility in whatever way they can.

Check out Shark Tankā€™s own Kevin Oā€™Leary respond to Elon Musk in defense of remote work šŸ‘‡

šŸØ Selina is one of the largest hospitality brands in remote work, but is it in trouble?

  • In 2022 Selina increased revenue by nearly 100% from the previous year but since then its market cap has dropped 50% (to be fair this isnā€™t entirely their fault, itā€™s tough out there right now, even Airbnbā€™s stock has plummeted over the last year)

  • Seeing a boom in remote work, Selina doubled down and expanded very quickly over the last few years but is now carrying A LOT of debt that could start to hurt in a colder economic environment

  • However, donā€™t write off Selina just yet! Post expansion theyā€™re one of the largest brands in nomad hospitality and are now singularly focused on increasing revenue and reaching profitability

šŸ’µ Deutsche Bank, Germanyā€™s largest bank, plans to cut 40% of office space in main hub Frankfurt

  • The bank introduced a hybrid work model 3 years ago and has seen 2/3 of its employees opt into the program

  • Deutsche Bank will also be able to cut costs since its 3,500 office leases make up most of the bankā€™s ā‚¬1.4 billion a year real estate expenses.



May 28-June 4: Porto Santo Nomad Fest [šŸ“ Porto Santo, Portugal] - A festival celebrating the digital nomad community, on a beautiful island off the coast of Madeira. Limited attendance.

May 24-28: Vivel [šŸ“ Multiple Locations, Turkey] - networking meets music at this one-of-a-kind conference for location-independent professionals

May 28th-June 3: Nomad Cruise 11 [šŸ“ Mediterranean Sea] - The original conference at sea is back! Join 250 digital nomads on board a cruise ship in the Med to discuss remote work, business, and personal growth

June 16-19: Camp Indie [šŸ“ Kent, Connecticut] - adult summer camp & conference for digital nomads & those living an unconventional life

June 21-25: Remotion Festival [šŸ“Burgas, Bulgaria] - A festival for remote workers, freelancers, & digital nomads highlighting the Burgas area as a hub for smart living

June 25-July 2: Bansko Nomad Fest [šŸ“ Bansko, Bulgaria] - for digital nomads, freelancers, and founders in the mountains of Bulgaria


Looking for a job thatā€™s not just remote, but that you can work from anywhere in the world? Weā€™ve done the heavy lifting for you. Check out these awesome WFA positions šŸ‘‡

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See you on Wednesday, hope you have a great start to the week! Cheers šŸ»

Todayā€™s email was written by Mitko Karshovski