🧑‍💻 Super-commuting by plane

PLUS why productivity is dropping, 3 surprising effects of remote work, and how to become a nomadic entrepreneur

Hey Insider, happy Q3 and half-way mark of the year! This is a great time to pause and review how the first half of the year has gone for you. Are you on track for your goals?

Personally, I just watched this video by Ali Abdaal on a recent flight and spent some time reviewing my goals and planning for Q3. Respond to this email and let me know what your plans are for this quarter!

Today’s email is a 4min 27sec read:

  • 💻 3 surprising effects of remote work

  • 📉 Why productivity is really trending downward

  • ➕ PLUS how to become a nomadic entrepreneur, passive real estate portfolios at 25, and what in the world is “ultrawinning”

  • Let’s dive in…


She super-commutes by plane to avoid expensive east coast rents

Traditionally super-commuting meant traveling 90+ minutes to work each way and recently it hit a record low.

However, hybrid work may be creating a whole new bread of super-commuting, and Sophia Celentano is a perfect example of this.

She recently went viral on TikTok after she posted a breakdown of how she commutes to her NYC job from her parents’ house in Charleston, South Carolina.

Now don’t worry, she doesn’t do this every day, she works remotely a majority of her time, but her employer requires employees to come into the office at least once a week.

Crunching the number Sophia realized that she could save thousands of dollars by opting out of living in NYC and just spending $200 every week on one-way tickets between Charleston & NYC.

This is exactly what many remote work experts spent the last 3 years warning about when it comes to hybrid work, but as more and more large companies double down on hybrid work, don’t be surprised if the number of air super-commuters like Sophia rises.

Check out a day in Sophia’s commute below 👇


I spoke too soon y’all my flight home was cancelled tonight EWR is a MESS rn💀posting this en route to LGA bc we had to book another flight... See more


3 surprising effects of remote work

Since remote work went mainstream in 2020 it has triggered many changes in the way we work… that’s obvious. But the effects of remote work weren’t reserved just for work, the rippled effects could be felt in a few different ways:

1. Real estate markets

Today 35% of people with remote-friendly jobs work from home permanently. This allowed people to move to cities where they have a higher quality of life without having to lose out on work opportunities. This “decoupling” of work & place has had profound effects on real estate markets in many secondary cities & suburbs.

2. Diversity & inclusion

Some benefits of remote work may still be under scrutiny, but what’s absolutely settled is the positive effect it has had on minorities & people with disabilities.

Remote work has allowed many people who would find it harder to come into the office to find well-paying jobs, while also leveling the playing field for those who don’t shine in an office environment or are minorities.

3. Environmental protection

Workers who are remote can skip the commute and the associated emissions. The environmental benefits continue to the companies themselves which are able to reduce waste & paper consumption, even if other factors like heating & AC are canceled out by an increase of those on the workers’ side.


Why is worker productivity really trending downward?

Workplace productivity is at an all-time low after dropping by 2.7% in the first quarter of 2023, making it the 5th consecutive quarter of negative productivity.

Some people have been tempted to blame remote work, but experts agree that the picture is much more complicated.

Many HR managers blame continued multi-factor uncertainty. Yes, COVID was a major disruption to all aspects of work and life, but even though the pandemic has ended, workers have had to face continued challenges including recession concerns, layoffs across industries, and inflation.

Workers are “exhausted,” said Jenny von Podewils, co-CEO at HR software Leapsome. “All of that insecurity and change has cost a lot more focus.”

In order to improve productivity, HR experts suggest that company leaders need to meet people where they are and focus on them as people, not just workers, and to continue updating company policies to foster more collaboration while working remotely.


  • How to establish yourself as a digital nomad entrepreneur. Becoming a digital nomad is hard, but it’s even harder while trying to build a business and it requires extra attention.

  • This 25-year-old digital nomad makes $10K. Soli Cayetano has built a small real estate portfolio that allows her to make $100K+ per year passively from anywhere in the world.

  • Culture is the missing piece for many remote companies. Dr. Gleb Tsipursky & SafetyWing’s Sondre Rasch discuss why a strong culture is critical for success in a remote environment.

  • Ultrawinning. Emil Hodzovic is a doctor turned body builder turned 7-figure entrepreneur and a friend of the newsletter. His newest project explores the concept of ultrawinning, or how to (really) win the game of life.


July 15-29: Nomad City Festival 2023 [📍Gran Canaria] - the original nomadic unconference presented by Repeople. Get inspired, learn, & make connections at the biggest nomad event in the Canary Islands.

Dec 7-13: Nomad Island Fest [📍 Madeira, Portugal] - Learn from world-class industry experts on topics like mindset, marketing, tech, wealth & health


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Looking for a job that’s not just remote, but that you can work from anywhere in the world? We’ve done the heavy lifting for you. Check out these awesome WFA positions 👇

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Hope you have an awesome rest of your day! Cheers 🍻

Today’s email was written by Mitko Karshovski